
Anacleto allows you to translate your application and will use the browser language to show the correct translation.

You have two levels of translation available:

  • Application: translations applied to the entire application, regardless of the window

  • Window: trabslatins applied to a specif window

Application translations

You can define translations that will be available in all application windows, these translations are customizable by the functionality: Anacleto Builder -> UI -> Transaltions.

These translations are organized in a JSON with key-value format, where key is the translation key (case sensitive) and the value is the translation for the specif language.


Translations are managed through files located in the root of the project:

  • i18n.json: contains default translations

  • i18n.{LANGUAGE}.json: where {LANGUAGE} is the ISO2 code of the translations, contains translations for the specified language

Window translations

You can define translations that will be available for a specific window, these translations are customizable from the window builder, Anacleto Builder -> UI -> Windows -> YOUR_WINDOW

These translations are organized in a JSON with key - value format, where key is the label or id of the component you want to translate.


Translations are managed through files located in the same folder of the window:

  • {WINDOW}.{LANGUAGE}.json: where {WINDOW} is the window name and {LANGUAGE} is the ISO2 code of the translations, contains translations for the specified language

Use translations in windows

Application and window translations can be combined as you wish.

The window translations have priority over the application ones

The component id translations have priority over the label ones

Let's see an example.


  "id": "home",
  "windowName": "Home",
  "component": "GridContainer",
  "components": [
      "id": "home_sample_form",
      "component": "Form",
      "isCard": true,
      "toggleable": false,
      "title": "Welcome form",
      "containerClassName": "col-12",
      "className": "mt-0",
      "components": [
          "component": "Label",
          "className": "col-12",
          "id": "title",
          "label": "Welcome"
          "component": "Label",
          "className": "col-12",
          "id": "subtitle",
          "label": "My subtitle"
          "component": "Label",
          "className": "col-12",
          "id": "subtitle-2",
          "label": "My subtitle"

In this example the window has 3 components:

  • my_label_1 whit default label value Welcome

  • subtitle whit default label value My subtitle

  • subtitle-2 whit default label value My subtitle

Now let's try to add the application translations for the it language

    "Welcome": "Benvenuto"

In this way we have added an application translation for Welcome text, all the application labels equal to welcome will be translated into Benvenuto.

This solution is useful when you want to massively translate a specific string for all application windows components

This is the result for it users:

  • my_label_1 label value is Benvenuto

  • subtitle label value is My subtitle

  • subtitle-2 label value is My subtitle

Add now a translation specific for my_window.

    "My subtitle": "Ciao amico"

In this way we have added a specif window translation for My subtitle text, all occurence of My subtitle are traslate with Ciao Amico.

This solution is useful when you want to massively translate a specific string for all window components

This is the result for it users:

  • my_label_1 label value is Benvenuto

  • subtitle label value is Ciao amico

  • subtitle-2 label value is Ciao amico

Add now a new translation for a specific id.

    "My subtitle": "Ciao amico",
    "subtitle-2": "Grazie per aver scelto Anacleto"

This is the result for it users:

  • my_label_1 label value is Benvenuto

  • subtitle label value is Ciao amico

  • subtitle-2 label value is Grazie per aver scelto Anacleto

Last updated